Edited Patrick Vorbroker (March 19, 2015 09:42:29 AM)
Originally posted by IPG:
If a player takes an action called for by an effect controlled by his or her opponent, but does it incorrectly, both players receive a Game Play Error
Edited Marc Shotter (March 19, 2015 01:33:33 AM)
Originally posted by Christopher Melson:
GPE - GRV for Aaron, FTMGS for Neville
Us additional remedy described here:
If an object changing zones is put into the wrong zone, the identity of the object was known to all players,
and it is within a turn of the error, put the object in the correct zone.
Thus, remove the tokens and continue play.
Originally posted by Ben Yan Hao Tai:
Neville puts 1 card at random back to the top of his library. Tap down mana as required to represent the previous state.
Undo damage assign and life gain from both players.
Return Hornet Queen to Aaron's graveyard, untap Whip of Erebos and remove all insects token.
*** I am not a big fan in this option, but this maybe needed.
*** Possible rewind to the point of Hornet Queen came into play.
Originally posted by Jarrod Feight:I'd say that if you rewind, you should rewind to Hornet Queen in play, but no trigger in this case -because of Hushwing Gryff.
We would want Hornet Queen in play with the etb trigger on the stack.
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