Edited Sean Riley (Aug. 27, 2015 10:25:40 PM)
Originally posted by IPG:<strike>
<strike>Penalties for decklist errors discovered during a deckcheck and deck errors are issued immediately. Other decklist penalties are issued at the start of the next round to minimize the disruption to the match currently being played…</strike>
Originally posted by IPG:
Downgrade: If a player, before taking any game actions, discovers a deck (not decklist) problem and calls a judge at that point, the Head Judge may issue a Warning, fix the deck, and, if the player has drawn their opening hand, instruct the player to mulligan. The player may continue to take further mulligans if he or she desires.
Edited Marc Shotter (Aug. 28, 2015 08:07:47 AM)
If a player violates the MTR in a way that is not covered by one of the infractions below, the judge should explain the appropriate procedure to the player, but not issue a penalty. Continued disregard of these rules may require further investigation.
Edited Andrew Keeler (Aug. 28, 2015 12:56:55 PM)
Originally posted by Andrew Keeler:Does this exist? If you were giving a generic TE warning, what would you write on the back of the player's match slip?
or to issue a generic TE warning and note that proper pregame procedure was not followed.
Originally posted by Benjamin Harris:
Does this exist? If you were giving a generic TE warning, what would you write on the back of the player's match slip?
Edited Sean Riley (Aug. 30, 2015 05:30:02 PM)
Originally posted by Sean Riley:
This one took me a bit! I eventually settled on Tournament Error: Decklist Problem. It’s most similar to the example “A player looking at her sideboard during a game fails to keep it clearly separate from her deck.” Which is effectively what’s happened here, albeit in a really spectacular way.
Originally posted by Sean Riley:I actually think you had it right the first time, Sean. Once a player presents their deck, they've effectively stated that they are done sideboarding. Their board is their board, and their deck is their deck. Therefore, this scenario meets the criteria you discussed.
I'm persuaded by Andrew Keeler. It seems to me that yeah, this is a scenario that doesn't adhere to anything in the IPG, and while it seems really wrong to not penalise this, I think the best thing to do is say, “Please don't do that again,” and then don't issue a penalty.
Edited Jacob Kriner (Aug. 31, 2015 06:00:51 PM)
Originally posted by Talin Salway:
Does the fact that pre-game procedure is part of Tournament Policy override the fact that it is also part of the game rules?
Excerpt from MTG MTR Intro
Information in this document may contradict (or have information not contained in) the Comprehensive Rules. In such cases, this document takes precedence.
Edited David Plathe (Aug. 31, 2015 06:45:56 PM)
Originally posted by David Plathe:David, when does a game begin? ;)
“A player looking at her sideboard during a game fails to keep it clearly separate from her deck.”
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