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Competitive REL » Post: Clarification: Is player allowed to pile-count opponent's deck?

Clarification: Is player allowed to pile-count opponent's deck?

Jan. 17, 2017 02:08:46 AM

Kenji Suzuki
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))


Clarification: Is player allowed to pile-count opponent's deck?

Ok, now we are allowed one pile shuffle at the beginning of the game.

Then some concern arized among some Japanese. “I usually pile shuffle opponent's deck to check the number of cards in his deck and check marked card. No more allowed?”

So, at the beginning of the game, can player “pile-count” opponent's deck?
If no, how should we explain why to that player?

I, personally, think this is waste of time in many case (and you can call judge when you have resonable doubt about opponent's deck), but other said “this is really good for players to make sure opponent's deck is legal and worth to do it”. I understand that opinion.

Edited Kenji Suzuki (Jan. 17, 2017 02:13:29 AM)

Jan. 17, 2017 05:36:16 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Clarification: Is player allowed to pile-count opponent's deck?

Yes, you may still “pile count” your opponent's deck - once per game.


Jan. 18, 2017 06:12:10 AM

Kenji Suzuki
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))


Clarification: Is player allowed to pile-count opponent's deck?

Thank you!
( This answer can be shared as “O” answer, right? )