Top 4: Team Booster Draft (3 Kaladesh boosters)
Team members draft at the same draft table with one opposing team (6 total players per draft table). Team members will be seated at the draft table in exactly the following order:
Team 1, Player A
Team 2, Player C
Team 1, Player B
Team 2, Player A
Team 1, Player C
Team 2, Player B
No communication (verbal or non-verbal) is permitted between team members during the draft.
After the draft, team members will be located to separate tables to record their draft pools (15 minutes for draft pool registration and verification). After draft pool registration, team members will sit together for deck building (30 minutes for deck building).
Each team member will play the opposing team member with the same player designation (A, B, or C).
After the semifinals, the Top 2 teams will draft again using the procedure described above.
Decklists are required
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