Hello fellow Judges!
Cutting to the chase:
Here's the preorder form for the Throne of Eldraine tokens, and
here's the form for playmats.
This time we have two new token designs: Food, which is making quite the splash in Standard and Limited formats; and Faerie, perhaps a complement to the Alela brawl deck.
(Art is still a work in progress.)

As for playmats, the Food and Faerie tokens combine to form a complete image, and the Wolf token from the M20 wave is also getting a playmat.
If you would like to reproduce these tokens yourself, you may access the digital files in the Google Drive link
here. The Food and Faerie tokens will be available for download when the art is done.
Preorders close Wednesday, October 16. I am exploring options in setting up an online storefront so that the tokens can be ordered outside of preorder waves, though there will be a slight markup in prices to accommodate listing and transaction fees. If you have any suggestions or ideas, I would like to hear them at
Now if you'd allow me to indulge in some personal thoughts…
I became part of this project by chance. I was showing a potential judge candidate the Projects tab about what judges do “behind the scenes”, and I noticed the “Judge Tokens” project. Half an hour later, I fired off an email to Milan, and the rest was history.
In the last wave, we shipped out twenty-four thousand tokens. I think that's an insane number of custom tokens by any standard, and frankly, I'm quite easily spooked. If you've experienced any delay in e-mail replies over the last six months, it's me in the corner of my room facing the wall wondering what I did wrong.
With the Judge Program sunsetting and Judge Academy taking over, I'm not sure what the future of the Judge Tokens project will be. As Milan said, Judge Academy might have access to official art or better artists, allowing for cooler tokens.
In the meantime, I'll do whatever I can. I've learned a lot over the past six months not only creating designs, but also sending and replying e-mails, and bringing packages to the post office by the trolley.
I would also like to thank you for reading this far, and thank you for all your support. I always appreciate any feedback sent via the form or email (
See you next wave.
Zie Aun Tan
Judge Tokens Project
Edited Zie Aun Tan (Oct. 7, 2019 11:33:10 PM)