Hey everyone,
today I started a new, amazing, giantic, cool and awesome project!
One that might change the world… or at least a tiny portion of it! And for that I need you! Yes, you. No, not the guy who just finished reading this post, you there, reading this right now.
My project aims to create questions about rules for those of us, who believe that just reading rules isn't enough to learn them, or who don't want to read all the rules, with little to no examples. You can see it as a project similar to the annotated IPG/MTR.
More details and an example you can find here:
https://apps.magicjudges.org/projects/655/Thank you for your time and I'm looking forward to see you in the project,
Edited Sebastian Braune (Aug. 24, 2017 12:27:21 PM)