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Project Recruitment & Help Wanted » Post: @MagicJudges twitter team recruitment!!

@MagicJudges twitter team recruitment!!

July 12, 2018 11:13:20 PM

Sashi Balakrishnan
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program))

Southeast Asia

@MagicJudges twitter team recruitment!!

Hello Judges!

The @MagicJudges twitter team project is looking for new members who are interested to join us to tweet from events! (currently just GPs)

If you have twitter experience, and would love to be a part of this exciting project, please email me at

with the following information.

1. Have you have handled this account before?
2. What is your personal twitter handle (if you have one)?
3. What would you like to see being tweeted (or tweeted more of) by the @MagicJudges account?

Here's a link to the account on twitter in case you've not seen it before @MagicJudges

Thank you!
Sashi Balakrishnan

Edited Sashi Balakrishnan (July 12, 2018 11:13:46 PM)