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Magic judge articles (2018) update

Nov. 20, 2018 10:23:45 PM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

Magic judge articles (2018) update

Hello judges,
the 2018 Article Update project has been running for a month and a half, and I would like to give you a quick update.

1) Blog list
The first part was to search for the judge blogs and websites.
We focused only on “official” judge blogs, meaning the blogs that are hosted on the JudgeBlogs platform, with few extras. It’s not in our plans to review articles on external websites, at least not at the beginning.
If any of you wants to mention or recommend any external websites or personal blogs/pages that you find relevant, by all means, please reply here or send us a private message; we are always looking for new interesting tools and study material!
Here you have our full list of blogs&websites, in our priority order:
Official resources
Program Coordinators
Policy Perspectives
Annotated MTR
Annotated IPG
Translated Rules
Judge conferences
Conference content
Learning sphere
The Coaching sphere
Judge Conduct Committee
The Exemplar Program
JudgeApps Help and Updates
Regular REL
jar judging at regular rel
The road to L3
Two-Headed Giant release notes
What's up, Docs?
Judge Articles
The battlefield forge
Travel Guides
Magic Rules Tips
Judge Anniversaries
Judge of the week
Planar Bridge
The knowledge pool
The feedback loop
Communication sphere
Review expert blogs
Mystical Tutor
Judge Games
Canadian Judge Family
Europe - East Regional blog
Judging in the North
Regional blog for USA - Southwest
The Judges of SouthEast Asia
The Northwest Passage
UKISA regional forum
USA - North
USA - Southeast regional blog
USA Great Lakes judges
A world of Magic
Bearz Repeating
Storytime with Uncle Scott
Judging For the Win
Path to Exile
Billicent's Billy Sense

2) Article list
For each blog, we created a list of all the pages and we checked all linked pages too; some blogs have a home page that contains links to all articles, while other blogs/sites (main example is the “Official resources”) contain a few sections and many pages linked.
Our current list of pages, that is about only ten of the blogs above, is made of more than 800 links!

3) Actual review
The ideal is to have two people review each page, as two pairs of eyes will be able to spot necessary changes better than just one pair.
Our current choice is to complete a first pass, and only afterwards have a second person perform the second review.
Members of the team split the blogs according to their preferences and expertise, and we got to about 270 reviewed pages.
The reviews generate a “No change” information or a set of changes that will be recommended to the authors; we are currently a little above 200 recommended changes (note: multiple changes may be about a single page).

4) Actual update
Once a full blog is reviewed (in the case of a single author) or in specific moments (like “beginning of the month”), we *will* send our list of recommended changes to the authors or, in case of pages “owned by the judge program” (like the “Official Resources”), we will apply the changes (authorized by a Program Coordinator or by the appropriate Sphere leader).

If you have questions about our processes, please feel free to reply to this message on the forum or to write to us privately.
If you have requests or recommendations about pages/blogs or any aspect of our process or communication, please feel free to reply to this message on the forum or to write to us privately.
If you want to join our team, please feel free to reply to this message on the forum or to write to us privately.
Our work is intended as a service to all judges, therefore we are very interested in your opinions about any aspect you will want.


Dec. 29, 2018 08:06:09 PM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

Magic judge articles (2018) update

Hello judges,

another month has passed, and it's time to give you another update.

First, I would like to share with you the file we use for our review, so that you can take a look at all deails:

(this is actually a copy of our file, so don't expect it to get updated; I may share future copies in some months).

We added a few more blogs to our list, we rearranged the order of priority, and we are very satisfied about the results so far:

- Official Resources: review complete

- Program Coordinators: quick review complete

- Grand Prix Head Judging (a new blog): complete

- The road to L3: a few L3s and a few L3 candidates are working on it right now

- Annotated IPG and Annotated MTR: complete

- Policy Perspectives and What's Up Docs: review of the last two years almost complete

- Judge articles: more than half complete

No changes have been applied. No authors have been contacted so far (in case you see a “change” for one of your articles, know that we still need to double check the recommended changes and also inform you, in case of a change bigger than a typo or an update from “he or she” to “they”).

You can find more details about this project here:

Happy beginning of 2019!


April 28, 2019 09:09:24 PM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

Magic judge articles (2018) update

Hello to everyone,
our article update project has been operating for the expected six months, and it’s coming to its end.
We will continue reviewing and updating Magic judge content on our main blogs in the future, but at a much lower speed.
Looking at our files, I see that we reviewed more than 500 pages, and we identified and sent to authors or blog owners more than 600 recommended changes (a page can have multiple changes, so it’s normal that the number of individual changes is higher than the number of pages).

I would like to send my big thanks to some judges who assisted A LOT; your passion and involvement have been enlightening, and your expertise has been very beneficial.

Eser Unger <<– superstar ;)
Francesco Scialpi
Tyrone Phillips
Agustin Mopty
Paul Heidenreich
Andrea Sciarrotta
Luca Chiassoni
Gage Robelen
Herbert Zurita
Nicholas Keith Seah

I am confident that the activity of these judges will help you in your future studies and activities as judges.
If you meet any of them at an event, you can tell them “I don’t know what articles you reviewed in the last six months, but I read that you did a good job and we have better blogs and pages also thanks to you. Well done!”


April 29, 2019 07:21:26 AM

Tyrone Phillips
Judge (Uncertified)

Australia and New Zealand

Magic judge articles (2018) update

I would also like to thank Eser. I have not put much work into this project, just helping out when I have time (which isn't often), but Eser has been an absolute champion!

May 3, 2019 06:02:31 AM

Eser Unger
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

Magic judge articles (2018) update

You two are too nice, there are many great people working in the project and without anybody we would not be able to be that far by now!

but honestly the project is something very great and if you ( YES YOU!!! ) are wanting to take part of something that moves things and also learn a lot I highly recommend you taking a look into this since you can do as much as you feel like you want to do and in the areas you feel like doing while being able to take something away with you!