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Rules Q&A » Post: Dreamscape Artist feeding the Gitrog Monster

Dreamscape Artist feeding the Gitrog Monster

Feb. 16, 2021 03:44:18 AM

Olle Liljefeldt
Judge (Uncertified)

Europe - North

Dreamscape Artist feeding the Gitrog Monster

This place is obviously dead, but so is judge academy so why not try here as well.

Player A has the Gitrog Monster and a Dreamscape Artist (Harrow spellshaper) in play. Artist is activated, discarding a land card and sacrificing a land to pay the cost. Will Gitrog trigger once or twice?

- Is paying the cost one event, thus one trigger. Or is each steg an individual event upon which trigger can occur.

It is clear that Gitrog only triggers once for a resolve Armageddon, or if two land cards are discarded to pay for Jolrael, Empress of Beasts's spellshaper ability. But as costs are paid in any order, this means they are not paid simultaneously. Will the monster see two events of lands going to the graveyard, or one?

If we have cards like Decimate and Death Cloud, how would they interact with Gitrog Monster? Assume that one land is an animated Mutavault that goes to the graveyard because being a creature, as well as a land being discarded. And one destroyed/sacrificed of course.

Decimate I believe is already answered in another forum - It is one destroy of a group of permanents. Gitrog should trigger once.

Death Cloud have three different instructions that each can place a number of land cards in the graveyard. Trigger once if at least one land card discarded, another trigger if at least one land sacrificed and a third if at least one creature land was sacrificed as a creature?

Extra 2:
Mind Drain is not that clear to me. Is it one action, which specifies subparts, rather than “do this, then that, then loose 1 life” as is the wording of Death Cloud.

Edited Olle Liljefeldt (Feb. 16, 2021 04:26:12 AM)

Feb. 16, 2021 05:51:39 AM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Dreamscape Artist feeding the Gitrog Monster

Judge Academy has a very active Discord, esp. the rules discussions; try this:
