I believe I'm in agreement with most of the people in the thread, but there are a lot of elements to the question, and I do differ on a few, so just to be complete:
First of all, I'm assuming this is being run at competitive, and not a strange regular event using decklists. Seemed reasonable, but just thought it was worth pointing out. Secondly, I'm going to treat each issue as though I witnessed them independently, since that does a better job getting to the heart of the question, I think.
“City of” – Technically, this should be a D/DLP, Game Loss, but the IPG does mention that the Head Judge can downgrade this to a warning if they feel the card is obvious. I'm inclined to say it is fairly clear here, so I would probably opt for the downgrade, and be sure to talk with Andy about filling out the decklist more clearly in the future.
“Nissa” – No inftaction, since the IPG explicitly permits truncated names of legendary permanents / planeswalkers, so long as the name is unambiguous in the format of the event. I would not issue any infraction, but if I found time to talk with the player at some point, I'd try to tell them that filling out the full name of cards is important and can get you in trouble in other situations.
“Chandra” – There are multiple “Chandra”s in the format, so there is clearly potential for abuse. D/DLP, Game Loss. Again, caution the player about the importance of filling out names fully in the future.
Huntmaster of the Fells – No issues. You're allowed to use checklist cards, Andy labeled it correctly, Huntmaster of the Fells is legal in Modern, and having the flip card in a different sleeve in the box is permitted if you're using a checklist card.
Diaochan – <strike>I can't actually find any policy that explicitly states that this is not permitted, but I would still caution the player to remove it from their deck box for the duration of the tournament. At the very least, there is a potential for abuse here, so keeping the contents of their deck box clear is something the player should be conscious of.</strike>
EDIT: Found the bit of policy I was looking for, even if a bit too late. ;)
If the sideboard is not kept sufficiently separate from the deck during play, it becomes impossible to determine the legality of the deck. Additionally, if there are extra cards stored with the sideboard that could conceivably be played in the player’s deck, they will be considered a part of the sideboard unless they are:
• Promotional cards that have been handed out as part of the tournament.
• Double-faced cards represented by checklist cards in the deck.
• Double-faced cards being used to represent the ‘night’ side of cards in the deck'
This does a good job summing up both why A) the Huntmaster of the Fells is okay, and B) why Diaochan is not desirable. That said, Diaochan is by no stretch of the imagination legal in modern, so clearly not acceptable in the player's sideboard. I would not issue a D/DLP here, but if I saw it, I would regardless inform the player that they need to find a different place to store the card during the tournament, and that they really should keep their deck box clear of anything other than tokens, extra sleeves, and their main/side boards.
16 card sideboard – D/DLP, Game Loss. I'd confirm with Andy that he knows how the new sideboard rules work, because it seems like a probable source of the error. Regardless, this is pretty cut and dry.
Together – Obviously we're going to be issuing a D/DLP, Game Loss. We don't upgrade or double up the penalty since there were multiple errors, but we probably should note the various errors when we report the infraction in the system. The real tricky issue here is explaining these issues to Andy in a timely fashion. I'd try to sum it up quickly as follows:
“Andy, there were some issues with your decklist, so I have to issue you a Game Loss. First and foremost, your sideboard needs to contain no more than 15 cards at all times, so I'll need you to side one card back into your main. Secondly, it's crucial that you write out the full name of cards on your decklist in the future. Finally, I'll need you to put this Diaochan somewhere else other than your deck box during the tournament.”
If he has any questions about the ruling, I'd tell him to come talk to me after his round is finished.
Edited Talia Parkinson (Oct. 3, 2013 10:08:00 PM)