1. Pair players randomly for the first round by shuffling the note cards. Keep the paired cards together for the rest of the round. If you have an odd number of players, the player remaining once pairings are completed receives a bye, which equals two game wins (6 game points) and one match win (3 match points).
2. After the first round, record match results (best 2 out of 3 games) on the players’ note cards. When participants complete a match, they must report the results.
3. For all subsequent rounds after the first, pair players with the same match points against each other randomly. (If there is an odd number, match one player from that group with a person from the group with the next-highest match points.) Do not use tiebreakers when pairing between rounds.
4. Continue these match-point-based pairings until you get to the bottom of the list. If you have one player left at the bottom of the list, that player receives a bye. (To see what this bye is worth, see 1. above.)
5. As players finish each round, record on their note cards the score of the match they just completed and their total running score. In addition, write the opponent’s name
Edited Johannes Kühnel (Feb. 2, 2014 08:02:11 AM)
Originally posted by Ward Poulisse:I could implement such an export feature, if WER allows for tournament/result import and I figure out the file format.
more on-topic: I would love some sort of WER-equivalent on a tablet or ipad for FNMs and similar, especially if I could upload without too much hassle. A friend of mine said he'd even buy a tablet if he could run FNMs on it.
Edited Johannes Kühnel (Feb. 2, 2014 01:50:51 PM)
Originally posted by John Temple:http://apps.magicjudges.org/forum/topic/8248/?page=1#post-50208
This is a really cool tool.
The only major problem I see is not being able to see standings prior to
the end of the tournament.
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