I wouldn't care too much about getting more diverse types of Decklists out, to be honest…simply because it can't get any worse than things are at the moment.
Players who print their Decklists at home and bring them to the tourney are (imo) one of the greatest blessings that they can offer us. Printed Decklists are readable and, usually and in some way, sorted//clearly indicate what is the sideboard and what is the maindeck.
Purely handwritten Decklists are the other side of that spectrum, as a lot of people have terrible handwriting, and a lot of people also can't properly structure a list on a blank sheet of paper by hand - for some reason, these two subsets of players seem to have an awfully big intersection, too.
And if I am honest, the ‘official’ Decklist-sheet linked by Matt is about the worst formatted Deckregistration sheet possible. The Last Name/First Name/DCI# column is marked in dark grey, making it easy to miss, which, subsequently, a lot of players do miss. It is also perpendicular to everything else that needs to be written and gives very little space height-wise, making it frequently hard to decipher, especially when trying to rapidly scan through decklists to find the on from player xyz. It's Sideboardsection is squeezed into the bottom right part, which players often miss and just put it into the ‘continued decklist & basic lands’-section. They then notice their mistake halfway through registering their sideboard, and cross things out and re-start writing their SB down where its supposed to be. Then they notice the completely unnecessary ‘& Basic Land’- part above where they just started registering their Sideboard, so they scan through their main registered on the left side and cross out their basics there and add them to the right, quite likely/possibly with 3+ empty lines on the right side, making those basics VERY easy to miss when counting the List.
I don't see more different types of decklists as a problem, because they can only be better than that official one, and, since the decklist-formats already are this diverse, we usually make the players to clearly mark their Decklists for sorting/searching-puposes during HJ-announcements anyways ('please mark your tablenumber/the first THREE LETTERS of your LAST NAME in the top right corner of your Decklist now.').
When it comes to beeing on DC-duty, I really prefer any Printed Decklist > Decklist Printed on official form > Decklists written on any other printed registration sheet > Decklists written on official form > fully handwritten Decklist on A4-sheet > handwritten decklist on A5-sheet *cringe*
Edited Philip Ockelmann (March 17, 2014 01:39:03 PM)