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Article Discussion » Post: Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

July 18, 2014 10:57:42 AM

Evan Cherry
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southwest

Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

This thread is for discussing the article Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means by Lexie Mettler and David Lyford-Smith.

July 18, 2014 12:11:45 PM

Julien de Graat
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

I hope the powers that be will discuss the requirement of 2 tournaments as a HJ with another certified judge. Where I live only PTQs are big enough to truly need more than one judge. And we don't have enough of those for our number of L2s.

July 18, 2014 12:14:42 PM

Kevin Binswanger
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southwest

Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

If you don't think meeting a particular requirement is feasible for you
based on your situation, you should get in contact with your Regional

Kevin Binswanger

July 18, 2014 01:01:09 PM

Marc DeArmond
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

I'm curious what this means for the definition of a L1 judge as a Comp REL+ judge.

My understanding is that under the old system, if you wanted to work at Comp REL events you really should be Level 2.

Under the new system L2 is someone proficient at Head Judging Comp REL events.

No longer does the wiki page say “Level Two’s judge Competitive events” and wording about L1s seeking to work at PTQs and GPs needing to be L2 has been removed. Now L1s “work as a floor judge on larger Competitive Level events.”
The new L2 definition no longer seems to delineate between Regular REL judge and Comp REL judge.

Does this change have any effect on the acceptance and use of of L1s at larger Comp REL events?

July 18, 2014 01:07:29 PM

Nicola DiPasquale
Judge (Uncertified)


Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

L1s certainly have and have had the ability to judge competitive REL events. Since the update for L1 where the IPG was not required it was preferred that the judge have knowledge of the IPG, which was typically an L2 or an “advanced” L1. With the redefinition this is no longer the case, and L1s who are familiar with the IPG should expect to be able to work competitive REL events (I will caveat that with the needs of the event do come first). Even so before this recent redefinition L1s were enough to head judge GPTs. This redefinition brings all of that into alignment now.

Edited Nicola DiPasquale (July 18, 2014 01:08:23 PM)

July 18, 2014 03:20:45 PM

Robert Hinrichsen
Judge (Level 3 (Judge Foundry))

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

This paragraph caught my attention:

Remember that all of the re-certification interview requirements are on a rolling 15-month basis; this also includes the recommended items that your Regional Coordinator has chosen to make mandatory in your region. You have to keep up these items, not just tick them off once. If you do reach Level 2, then you will have to maintain these same mandatory items to keep your level.

As far as I am aware, the new requirements apply to prospective L2s going forward, and existing L2s will need to provide evidence that they meet the new requirements before the end of the year. However, I have not heard anything about what the requirements will be going forward after the end of 2014 as far as maintaining L2 is concerned. This paragraph suggests that all the pre-test requirements (three reviews, HJ two comp rel events etc.) as well as the discretionary requirements (tournament reports) will need to be satisfied every 15 months. Can someone clarify whether this is in fact the case?

July 19, 2014 11:31:36 AM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

The requirement for ongoing maintenance have not been announced.
From: Robert Hinrichsen <>
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 12:21:14 PM
To: Heckt, Andy
Subject: Re: Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means (Article Discussion)

This paragraph caught my attention:

Remember that all of the re-certification interview requirements are on a rolling 15-month basis; this also includes the recommended items that your Regional Coordinator has chosen to make mandatory in your region. You have to keep up these items, not just tick them off once. If you do reach Level 2, then you will have to maintain these same mandatory items to keep your level.

As far as I am aware, the new requirements apply to prospective L2s going forward, and existing L2s will need to provide evidence that they meet the new requirements before the end of the year. However, I have not heard anything about what the requirements will be going forward after the end of 2014 as far as maintaining L2 is concerned. This paragraph suggests that all the pre-test requirements (three reviews, HJ two comp rel events etc.) as well as the discretionary requirements (tournament reports) will need to be satisfied every 15 months. Can someone clarify whether this is in fact the case?

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July 22, 2014 10:36:25 PM

Darren Horve
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

USA - Southwest

Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

Does the HJing of Comp Events need to be reflected in our Judge Apps history or will having the WER reflect this be enough?

July 23, 2014 03:57:11 AM

José Luis Rofa
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper


Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

I think it would be very useful if the web developers finally include our judged events historial at the PWP web or another we can visit. It begins to be very necessary to have tools for checking whether we have completed our own requirements or not.

July 23, 2014 05:36:01 PM

Chris Nowak
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Midatlantic

Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

In the mean time, you can go to “My Events” on the left, and add your own events. Just make a tag in the Event title whether it was Competitive or not (and maybe a reminder of who you judged it with)

Aug. 13, 2014 03:34:37 AM

John Trout
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

Originally posted by José Luis Rofa:

I think it would be very useful if the web developers finally include our judged events historial at the PWP web or another we can visit. It begins to be very necessary to have tools for checking whether we have completed our own requirements or not.
Yes, exactly! It's a shame we don't have a record of this that's readily available. If PWP can be tracked so easily off of WER data, judging history should be just as easy to post. As a L2 hopeful, the ability to pull exact dates would be sooooo helpful.

Aug. 13, 2014 05:27:33 AM

Jasper Overman
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper


Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

Asking and hoping for the web developers to make this (admittedly, boring and bureaucratic) task easier is fine, but don't get your hopes up.

The Planeswalker website is a marketing tool for players, and handles 100s of thousands of players, if not millions. The L2 advancement process is relevant to a maximum of 5000 judges. With the complaints about WotCs new website, it would be weird if the web developers at WotC spend their time on improving the experience of a very small group, instead of improving the experience for all.

I would therefore encourage all L2s and L2 candidates to properly take notes about which tournament you judge and with whom.

Aug. 13, 2014 05:35:20 AM

Jose Miguel Sanchez Navarro
Judge (Uncertified)


Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

Could be possible a link in judgecenter that shows or exports our
judging history?, it will be useful for the entirejudge community

El 13/08/2014 11:28, Jasper Overman escribió:

Aug. 13, 2014 09:35:27 AM

Nicola DiPasquale
Judge (Uncertified)


Redefinition of Level 2 – The Area Judge and What That Means

There used to be such a feature available on the WotC website, though for some reason it was taken away. Based on this I do not see that functionality returning anytime soon. I would agree with the advise given above, maintain decent notes about the when and where of your tournaments. I might suggest that there is a great place online todo such a thing already (this very site). You can create and manage any event on this wonderful site and you will have exactly such a record, when, where, and even who was on staff. Frankly this helps everyone involved in the event as they have a record as well. Also it helps with soliciting for other judges if necessary. I hope this helps!