The MTR give us a definitive answer: he gets the token.
A statement such as “I'm ready for combat” or “Declare attackers?” offers to keep passing priority until an opponent has priority in the beginning of combat step. Opponents are assumed to be acting then unless they specify otherwise.
Let's dive more into the matter.
MTR apply at any event, with specifics on different RELs clearly spoken out (see Electronic Devices for a reference). That said tournament shortcuts are universal and apply at any REL as they're the basics to make games flow.
- What NAP says
Usually it doesn't matter, as AP knows how it works and acknowledge the right play even if they don't speak, but NAP needs to be explicit about it as AP has the right to leverege his superior rules knowledge to win the game.
- What they did so far
I feel there is a need to ask them if they have ever shortcut this way before. If NAP made the same play before, during this game or in a previous game in the match, and AP didn't spawn any token, then I believe they already implicitly adopted a new shortcut and I won't let him go away with an announced modification of it.
A player is not allowed to use a previously undeclared tournament shortcut, or to modify an in-use tournament shortcut without announcing the modification, in order to create ambiguity in the game.