A level 1 judge from Brazil approached me with an issue. His level on Center was set to 0 and he does not know why. He certified november last year and has been judging PPTQs ever since.
He discovered this because his level on Apps was also reccentely set from “1” to “uncertified”. This happened because I complied a list of 6 level 0s on Judge Center that were still L1+ on Apps, as Apps doesn't automatically updates judge levels, they need to be manually updated. This judge was on the list, which I sent to my RC so he could adjust these judges levels.
I am aware a person's information on Judge Center might be outdated, since it is refreshed when that person logs in, as was pointed out to me in
this thread. However, this judge says he constantly logged into Judge Center and his level was always 1, until last month.
He doesn't seem to fit the “12 motnhs” expiration date, so I'm a bit confused.
The question is: why was his level taken on Judge Center?