I know we've talked about altered cards (probably more than we really need to) but I was curious about something.
Let's say Alphonse is playing with 3 copies of
Geier Reach Bandit in their deck, and are using checklist cards to represent them in the deck. They have 3 of the actual Geier Reach Bandit in clear sleeves in their deck box, but one or more are altered / border extended. Would you allow this?
I know Altered Art cards have been discussed before, but DFCs are different. Assuming checklist cards are used, DFCs can be brought from the sideboard whenever the checklist card is cast and you can use whichever copy you want, altered or unaltered.
What do you think of these scenarios. For each scenario Alphonse has 3 GRB listed on their deck registration sheet, and 3 checklist cards (with GRB checked) in the actual deck.
1) Alphonse has 3 unaltered copies of GRBs in their deckbox in clear sleeves, and 1 altered GRB as well but the alter leaves the text boxes untouched (extended border). So 4 copies total in deck box.
2) Alphonse has 2 unaltered copies of GRBs in their deckbox in clear sleeves, and 1 altered GRB as well but the alter leaves the text boxes untouched (extended border). So 3 copies total in deck box.
3) Alphonse has 3 altered GRBs in their deckbox in a clear sleeve, but the alter leaves the text boxes untouched (extended border). So 3 copies total in deck box, but none are unaltered.
An example of an altered GRB with text boxes untouched (extended border):
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13237801_10208697715256649_7809079270242752613_n.jpg?oh=69c0d7f6162e39ca86598fbd65d68493&oe=579E932EI guess my point is are alters for DFCs okay since the player can easily reach over and show the opponent an unaltered copy from their deckbox?