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Jeweled Amulet + Suppression Field

July 11, 2016 07:55:41 PM

Jake Eakle
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Jeweled Amulet + Suppression Field

A recap of a discussion that came up in #mtgrules with no resolution:

If you activate Jeweled Amulet for UWR with Suppression Field otb, how do you correctly resolve the first ability? And depending on the answer, what does the second ability do?

So there are some kinda terrible interpretations available, like, “you note all three colors, and then the second ability fails to do anything because there is no single last noted type” or, “You note nothing because ‘UWR’ is not a valid type”, but i don't think anyone's going to support either of those.

So the real question is, do you have to choose one when you activate the first ability? or do you note all three and get to choose between the three when you activate the second? There seems to be no rules support whatsoever for either interpretation. One possible argument in favor of choosing when you activate the first ability is to say that you must note the three colors in some order, and thus the “last noted type” is simply whichever one you wrote down last.
This seems tenuous, though, since I can probably hold three pens and note three types simultaneously (and the rules don't address “noting” at all really, outside a small reference regarding conspiracies).

In general it does seem to be true that Magic is ok with grammatical number disagreement, so i would lean towards “note all three”, but the problem is that then like.. maybe the second ability produces 3 mana??? If you're allowed to note 3 things when it says to note one, maybe you also add three things when it says to add one but there are really three there?

Edited Jake Eakle (July 13, 2016 06:02:45 PM)

Aug. 26, 2016 12:53:06 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Jeweled Amulet + Suppression Field


The mana you spent on the activation cost is different than the mana you spent to use on the additional cost that was added because of the Field's effect (see something like "spend only mana on X" type effects). When you activate the ability, you'll have to note which mana you use to pay the 1 part of the cost, and the Amulet won't care about the mana that was used to pay the additional cost.

Nathan Long
Magic Rules NetRep