Edited Philip Böhm (Dec. 9, 2016 07:21:25 AM)
Originally posted by Philip Böhm:
I think we should restrain from overinterpreting things into philosophy of an infraction. That leads to inconsistent rulings.
Appareantly, the defintion at
This infraction only applies when a card whose identity is known to only one player is in a hidden set of cards both before and after the error.
specifies a hidden set of cards. Is “the bottom card of your library” or “the top card of your library” a set of cards? If no, then the definition of HCE longer applies. The “bottom card” is not definitely defined by the game rules or by an effect. It was defined during the Scry earlier, but it is no longer.
Edited Florian Horn (Jan. 10, 2017 10:45:32 AM)
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