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Meld & Cabal Therapy

Jan. 24, 2017 03:28:27 AM

Herman Janssen
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

Europe - East

Meld & Cabal Therapy

Hi everyone!

while studying the CR I couldn't wrap my head around the following:

712.11 “If an effect instructs a player to name a card, the player may name the front face of a meld card or the combined back face of a meld pair.”

Which is worded just like DFC's

Double-Faced Cards
711.13 “If an effect instructs a player to name a card, the player may name either face of a double-faced card but not both.”

While the Annotated MTR states:

3.6 Card Interpretation “Identifying a double-faced or flip card by either name on it is acceptable, as long as the ability that requires the name does not refer to an object on the battlefield.”
Annotation: “An ability that affects cards in the hand or being cast, such as Nevermore, may name the flipped side of a card and still affect the front side. However, with effects like Pithing Needle, which restricts the card on the battlefield, it will only affect the named side.”

The only conclusion I could draw from this: If AP casts Cabal Therapy naming Brisela, the targeted player will have to discard all copies of both Bruna AND Gisela.

Is this right?

Jan. 24, 2017 07:49:55 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Meld & Cabal Therapy


While they may seem similar, a card with meld is not a double faced card or a flip card (in fact, 712.1b says specifically that they're not double faced cards). So no, 3.6 of the MTR does not apply to cards with meld and Cabal Therapy. If you want to get rid of Gisela, the Broken Blade, you actually have to name “Gisela, the Broken Blade” with the Therapy

Nathan Long
Magic Rules NetRep