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Two L1-related Projects

Feb. 18, 2017 09:37:01 PM

Raoul Mowatt
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Great Lakes

Two L1-related Projects

I was hoping to get help with two L1-related projects, one of which is underway and one of which is still in the planning stages.

L1 Ryan Stien came up with the idea of a blog called Journey of Discovery: The Road To L2. The blog is intended to cover several areas:
1. To share experience and advice of L1s as they prepare to reach L2.
2. To celebrate and interview new L2 judges.
3. To discuss rules and other issues to help L2 candidates become better prepared for the L2 exam.

You can see the project's efforts thus far here:

Right now, most of the people staffing the project are from the USA-Central region. We'd love to expand participation more widely. Also, we would love to have more help identifying new L2s to interview. We're looking for people who have made L2 since the beginning of this year. You can send information about new L2s to me at or to Ryan at

The second project would be a similar blog called something like L1 Voices or L1 Life.

Like the name suggests, it would have people talking about broadly about the judge experience from the perspective of L1s.

If you might be interested in that project, please also e-mail me at
