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Looking for examples of a few rules

April 8, 2013 05:27:45 PM

Toby Hazes
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))


Looking for examples of a few rules

There are a few rules which I don't really understand, so I would appreciate if someone could give an example of how these are applied in the game =)

601.3b If the spell instructs its controller and another player to do something at the same time as the
spell is being cast, the spell’s controller goes first, then the other player. This is an exception to
rule 101.4.

603.2e If a triggered ability’s trigger condition is met, but the object with that triggered ability is at
no time visible to all players, the ability does not trigger.

708.6c If an effect performs a comparison involving multiple characteristics of one or more split
cards in any zone other than the stack, each characteristic is compared separately. If each of the
individual comparisons would return a “yes” answer, the whole comparison returns a “yes”

April 10, 2013 12:35:23 PM

Daniel Kitachewsky
Judge (Uncertified)


Looking for examples of a few rules

601.3b: No cards seem to use this example. My best guess is that this rule is there in order to mirror activated abilities. There are plenty of examples with activated abilities, e.g. Diaochan, Artful Beauty or Arena.

603.2e: You control Library of Leng. An effect controlled by an opponent makes you discard Guerrilla Tactics and you choose to put it on top of your library. Guerrilla Tactics does not trigger.

708.6c. You activate Sunforger. Research // Development is a legal card to find for it (and you can cast either half). The question it asks is “are you a white or red instant with converted mana cost less than 4?” This looks for three characteristics: 1) type (instant), 2) converted mana cost (less than 4), 3) color (red or white). You determine the answer for each independently, and all have to come back positive for the overall answer to be yes. For each of 1), 2), 3), it's sufficient that one half be good for the answer to 1), 2), 3) respectively be yes (by 708.6a). In this case: 1) instant and instant, so yes; 2) 2 and 5, so yes; 3) blue-green and blue-red, so yes. Overall, it's yes, even though only Development satisfies 2 and only Research satisfies 3.

Daniel Kitachewsky
L3, Paris, France
Rules NetRep