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Judge Study Group on Facebook - DGM theme week edition!

April 22, 2013 08:10:55 AM

Justin Turner
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southeast

Judge Study Group on Facebook - DGM theme week edition!

Hey Guys,

It's been awhile since I've given a status of the Facebook Judge Study group and that's not because the project died. Quite the contrary! We are now up to 1427 members as of this posting and are currently in a DGM card theme week. If you're studying card interactions in DGM for your local prerelease, come on by for some great questions and learning! Last week was replacement effects week so if you need to brush up on those, they are also all available with full answers and explanations. I know a lot of judges have issues with replacement effects, so use this resource! If you've been living under a rock for a year, you can get right to the study group on facebook at:

Protocol for posting in the group is in a pinned post and all of the moderated questions are below. Hope to see you there! As always, huge thanks to the mod team for this project:

Benjamin McDole
George FitzGerald IV
Ken Perry
David Hibbs
…and myself I guess B)

Come on down and get some learnin'!
