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Knowledge Pool Scenarios » Post: Seas the Moment - BRONZE

Seas the Moment - BRONZE

Feb. 8, 2018 06:12:42 AM

Joe Klopchic
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Seattle, Washington, United States

Seas the Moment - BRONZE

Welcome back to the Knowledge Pool. This week we have a BRONZE scenario, so submit your answers using the form provided. One of the submitted answers will be featured next week.

Ajit is playing against Niko at a Modern PPTQ. Ajit casts Spreading Seas targeting Niko's Glacial Fortress and says “Trigger, draw a card”. Niko stops Ajit from drawing, floats one white mana, then allows Spreading Seas to resolve. Ajit thinks for a minute, then says “Go to Combat?” Niko taps one Mountain and casts Lightning Helix targeting Ajit's Snapcaster Mage. The players put their cards into their graveyards, then Niko calls for a judge, and says “Ajit missed his Spreading Seas trigger.” What do you do?

Submit your answers here:

Feb. 16, 2018 01:04:20 AM

Joe Klopchic
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Seattle, Washington, United States

Seas the Moment - BRONZE

We didn't have many submissions this week, mainly because the blog post didn't make it online. I'm extending this by a week so get your answers in!

Feb. 22, 2018 09:39:57 AM

Joe Klopchic
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Seattle, Washington, United States

Seas the Moment - BRONZE

This week we're highlighting the answer given by Michael Elwell, L1 from Texas

Originally posted by Michael Elwell:

I'd issue no penalty and let them draw, the trigger was announced just not resolved so it's not a missed trigger.

The key piece of information that many missed was the fact that Niko must be acting in Ajit's Main Phase, since the floating white mana was used to cast Lightning Helix.

Since Niko is acting in Ajit's main phase, Ajit using the combat shortcut is no longer relevant - he effectively only passed priority once since Niko responded immediately. Niko could have been acting with the Spreading Seas trigger still on the stack, so we treat it as such. No game actions have been taken that indicate we are past the point where the trigger should have resolved.

There is no infraction, the Spreading Seas trigger is still on the stack.