Originally posted by Andrew Keeler:
Just to hopefully further the discussion a bit, should there be any consideration given to the relative placement of Broken Bond in A or B's decklists? Supposing that A has the card listed in their sideboard and B has it listed maindeck, it would seem significantly more disruptive overall to ask B to remove the card than to ask A to do so. We may be cutting down of a potential abuse case, but introducing an additional disruptive element to the fix seems to remove most of the gains that we would realize. I do like the proposed fix in principle, but I think that some policy finesse would be required to remove the disruption potential.
Edited Andrew Villarrubia (June 12, 2018 06:00:54 AM)
Originally posted by IPG Decklist Problem:
If the deck/sideboard and decklist both violate a maximum cards restriction (usually too many cards in a sideboard or more than four of a card), remove cards starting from the bottom of the appropriate section of the list or lists.
Edited Joe Klopchic (June 10, 2019 11:49:47 AM)
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