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Tournament Operations » Post: On the use of card list for Oracle confirmation in GP

On the use of card list for Oracle confirmation in GP

Nov. 10, 2018 11:51:38 PM

Kazushi Shimamura
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program))


On the use of card list for Oracle confirmation in GP

Hello Judges in the world.
I'm Kazushi Shimamura in Japan

I got a bit late but I would like to write about the question I felt at GP Nagoya, which was held at Limited.
In the Japanese GP, some non-Japanese players prepare booklets with card images that are in bundle to accommodate Japanese cards and check the text during the match.
I understand that players can check Oracle at any time, but by using this booklets, player can search for cards that opponents might play.
This is unfair, especially at Limited, it seems that players who do not prepare card lists will be disadvantageous.
Also, as this is not a good way for both players to use the booklet, I think that in the competition REL it should not be allowed to bring an oracle in the form of a card list.
Certainly, judge calls for Oracle confirmation may increase, but may not players be asked to understand about some cards existing in the environment beforehand?
How do you guys think?
If there is something reply or please contact
This sentence was translated by Google translation.
I am sorry if it is difficult to read.

Thank you for reading.

日本のKazushi Shimamuraです。

Nov. 11, 2018 01:48:39 AM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

On the use of card list for Oracle confirmation in GP

If a player is looking up cards in play, or as they’re played, it should be OK.
If they search for what might be in the opponent’s hand or deck, it violates the spirit of the policy:
“Tournaments test the skill of a player, not their ability to follow external advice or directions. Any strategy advice, play advice, or construction advice from an external source is considered outside assistance.”

Note also that the use of Oracle text could lead to Slow Play, so it must be done in a reasonable time.


Edited Scott Marshall (Nov. 11, 2018 01:49:35 AM)