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Tournament Operations » Post: Non-Factory Cut Cards

Non-Factory Cut Cards

May 15, 2019 08:21:32 PM

Ryan Freeburger
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

Non-Factory Cut Cards

With the coming distribution of several thousand uncut sheets to the general public, I have been asked several dozen times in the past week or so, what the official policy is on Non-Factory Cut cards are (henceforth referred to as NFCs). For those unaware, there are several members of the high end community who posses the technology to cut these sheets to the same specifications as normally wizards distributed cards.

As far as I can tell, so long as they are indistinguishable from FC cards, they should be totally fine. I'm not even sure they need to be approved by a judge at this point and I can't find any guidance telling me otherwise.

So basically asking for an fficial answer, if one can be provided, on NFCs so that I can tell the people who've asked me.

Edited Ryan Freeburger (May 15, 2019 08:22:53 PM)

May 15, 2019 08:26:56 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Non-Factory Cut Cards


This question was recently asked and answered here: From that thread:

At this time, the answer is a conditional “yes” - if someone is able to cut the cards precisely, such that they're indistinguishable from cards you'd find in a booster, then they meet the criteria in MTR 3.3 and can be used.

There is an exception for Alpha cards, but these are not Alpha cards - so that exception doesn't apply. The cut must mimic that of a “normal” Magic card to the extent that we won't consider them Marked Cards - i.e., I agree with your thoughts re: the difficulty of cutting cards correctly.

Nathan Long