Be very wary of taking any guidance about handling situations from the IPG when judging at regular. When at Regular, the JAR is king and the IPG might as well not exist.
I agree with Isaac on the logic of putting cards on top instead of shuffling, but would like to expand a little with an example to better illustrate the reasoning:
At FNM, suppose it is game two, and Arthur has kept a hand of Wrath of God and 6 lands because he knows Nadine has a bunch of big green monsters, so he knows Wrath of God is by far the best card in his deck. Every decision he made in the game is based around setting up this Wrath of God. On the turn he is planning to sweep Nadine's board, he accidentally draws 2 cards instead of 1 because his sleeves stick together. We want to take away a card at random to put him back to the right number of cards - pretend the Wrath of God is the card randomly selected.
If we shuffle that card away, the penalty is not too far from a Game Loss. This player has spent their whole game building around this key card, and now it's entirely gone.
If we put the card on top instead, the player gets the extra info of knowing what they're about to draw which is not great, but the game is going to play out much closer to the way it would have, if the error had not happened.
Edited Brook Gardner-Durbin (July 20, 2019 01:35:49 AM)