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Shuffling your hand into the library during Demonic Tutor

April 19, 2022 10:06:01 AM

Eric Lindgren
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

Shuffling your hand into the library during Demonic Tutor

So I have a question. You’re judging a Comp REL event and this happens:
Adam casts Demonic Tutor with other cards in his hand. He searches for a card, sets it face down and shuffles his library, sets that down then picks up his card. He starts going on to cast whatever card he grabbed. then Nadine realizes something. “Hey, where’s the rest of your hand?” She asks

how do you fix that?

April 19, 2022 12:20:23 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Shuffling your hand into the library during Demonic Tutor

Cardboard Crack FTW!

Hidden Card Error (HCE) was created to address serious, and likely, issues, and improve on our ability to handle them. Drawing Extra Cards is the prime example of what was improved on, with the advent of HCE.

Coincidentally, HCE also provided a remedy for this much-discussed scenario. Before HCE, all we could do is sympathize with the player who no longer has the cards that were in their hand.

With HCE, we do our best to determine the number of cards that should be in hand. (If the game state isn't too convoluted, card counting techniques can be employed.)

Next, the opponent searches the player's library for that many cards, and the cards they choose will constitute the (rest of that) player's hand.

Finally, a Warning for HCE is issued for the offending player.

I'll admit, it was a Happy Accident that HCE addressed this exceptional corner case. I will also admit that I'm aware that it actually did happen, in real life - including during the Top 8 of a PTQ here in Denver! - but at a rate approaching zero per 10,000 tournaments. (Something comes to mind about lies, damn lies, and statistics…)

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