I don't get the objections in creating a better sheet. Just like the result slips there is much room for improvement, why not do that? Because there are players who will forget regardless? Than why bother trying to improve anything?
Come on..
If someone here knows who is responsible for the official list, I've got a great group of people who I'm sure can make a better version. (This includes Josh ;) )
One of the things I really liked was the short checklist:
-Did you fill in your name?
-Did you fill in your DCI?
-Do you have at least 60 cards maindeck?
-Do you have a maximum of 15 cards sideboard?
Yes even then there was one guy who had checked all the boxes but hadn't filled in his name.. It still improved total number of errors.
{concerning result slips}
There should be a check-box for penalty's and time extension.
Edited Kenny Koornneef (Sept. 6, 2013 01:07:17 PM)