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Knowledge Pool Scenarios » Post: What creature type is that? - SILVER

What creature type is that? - SILVER

Oct. 16, 2013 01:09:37 PM

Jean-François DURMONT
Judge (Uncertified)


What creature type is that? - SILVER

Originally posted by Michael White:

As many of you noticed, the infraction here is a Game Play Error - Game Rule Violation for Adam and the accompanying Failure to Maintain Game State penalty for Niko. The Failure to Maintain Game State penalty can help remind us that it is both players responsibility to keep the game state correct, and because of that, we should not consider which player would gain an advantage in determining how to fix a problem.

It's Nico who controls the creature, not Adam. It's the other way, isn't it ? GPE GRV for Nico and GPE FtMGS pour Adam.
