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Trio Team: Tiebreaker and Drop

Nov. 18, 2013 01:46:45 AM

Kenji Suzuki
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))


Trio Team: Tiebreaker and Drop

Hello, before Kyoto, I want to make sure following tournament rules about trio team:

1) Tiebreaker

In trio team, WER (and also DCIR?) uses tiebreaker of (0) Match Points (1) OMP (2) OMP of Opponent. Is there any document which mention this?

And also, this is more important question, if time is called, record is already 2-0 and third players are still playing, can judge STOP it with “it doesn't matter for the tournament. please fill results”. Moreover, should slip say “2-0”“2-1”, or “1-0” in general?

2) Drop

I read MTR andother documents, but could not find description about individual drop and team drop.
Lets say, in round 3, one of players didn't come after 10 minutes. ML for that player, other match is still going on. How should we deal with this player's drop? Forcing team to drop is not reasonable because they actually played that rounds. They could not continue tournament with two players though. Forcing drop after this round?

Nov. 18, 2013 01:58:36 AM

Gareth Pye
Judge (Level 2 (Oceanic Judge Association))

Ringwood, Australia

Trio Team: Tiebreaker and Drop

While everyone talks about matches being “best of 3 games” they aren't, they are first to two wins. A match that is at 2-0 has already ended, just the players don't realise that. The judge should educate them and get them to fill out the slip.

If anyone notices a results slip filled out as 3-0 they should find the players and educate as well.

(as to the discussion of tie breakers I know it used to be in an appendix of the MTR, but I don't have the documents in front of me)

Nov. 18, 2013 05:42:29 AM

Mark Brown
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Oceanic Judge Association)), Scorekeeper

Australia and New Zealand

Trio Team: Tiebreaker and Drop

Team events require all members of the team to participate, if a player in the team drops, the whole team drops. In the instance of a team member not turning up, the letter of the rule is that all 3 members have to turn up for the team to be able to play, so even though 2 members have turned up, the third is required, otherwise the rules would allow for a team to continue with just 2 players.

Nov. 18, 2013 07:57:37 AM

Kim Warren
Judge (Uncertified)

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Trio Team: Tiebreaker and Drop

In WER at least, the options for entering match results for team sealed are 1-0, 1-1 and 0-1. I'm not certain what the options are for DCIR, but I would imagine that there is a similar principle. In my experience, players still often fill out slips as they do for individual matches, so seeing 2-1s etc. are common.

Originally posted by Gareth Pye:

If anyone notices a results slip filled out as 3-0 they should find the players and educate as well.

I would not bother doing this, especially at a GP sized event - it is such a lot of effort for such small gain, as it doesn't affect the result entry and if the slip has come in before the end of the round, has no impact on the tournament. That said, I would ensure that judges go around all outstanding matches some arbitrary amount of time before the round ends (say, 10 minutes) and make sure that there is not already one team that has one two of the matches in that match! Because if those are just playing the third for fun at that point, that genuinely could delay things.

Regards one team member not showing up: I agree that the rest of the team should be allowed to finish that round with a loss in his match, as technically the No-Show team member is not dropped until the end of the round. However, at the end of the round, him being dropped means that the whole team should be dropped - a team must consist of three people.