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Vesuvan Shapeshifter and priority

Feb. 17, 2014 07:02:23 PM

Samuel Tremblay
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Vesuvan Shapeshifter and priority

I block with a face-down Vesuvan Shapeshifter a 2/2 text less creature. My opponent controls another 3/3 text less creature, which isn't attacking.

After the blocker step, my opponent passes priority to me. I then use the Vesuvan's morph ability to turn it face-up, copying my opponent's 3/3 text less creature.

Because morphing is a special action that doesn't use the stack and also because cloning a creature is a replacement effect which also doesn't use the stack, do my opponent has a priority anytime before we move on the damage step to cast a Lightning Bolt on my Veusan Shapeshifter, for example?

My guess would be no because my opponent has passed the priority and I didn't put any spell and/or abilities on the stack, so no priority is passed to him again.

Am I right?


March 4, 2014 03:23:48 PM

Daniel Kitachewsky
Judge (Uncertified)


Vesuvan Shapeshifter and priority

Your opponent will have priority.

The game goes to the next step or phase, in a step or phase where players have priority, when:
- all players have passed priority,
- no one did anything, and
- the stack was empty.

Here, turning Vesuvan Shapeshifter face up is doing something.

So even though you keep priority after doing this, the “no action” clause has been reset and each player has to get priority again before we can move to the next step or phase.

Daniel Kitachewsky
L3, Paris, France
Rules NetRep