San Diego Area Judge Recruitment

A group dedicated to the certification of level one judges in the San Diego area.

Project Manager: Brandon Salaz
Public: Yes
Alignment: Regional Project - USA - Pacific West
(Lead: Beaux Bruggman )
Looking For: Level 2+ Judges in the San Diego Area

Project Description

This group serves as a channel of communication between Level 2 + judges in the San Diego area to discuss recruitment and training results. 



If you are not a certified judge, feel free to contact anyone in this group to get more information on how to become a part of our San Diego family!

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Xander Forral Uncertified USA - Pacific West Admin
Brandon Salaz Uncertified USA - Pacific West Admin
Joe Wiesenberg Uncertified USA - Pacific West Admin
Zachary Bange Uncertified USA - Pacific West Member
Anthony Cerone Uncertified USA - Pacific West Member
Ryan Koenig Uncertified USA - Pacific West Member